分电器拾取 (霍尔效应) 波形


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Distributor Pickup (Hall Effect)

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Distributor Pickup (Hall Effect) Waveform Notes

This form of trigger device is a simple digital ‘on/off’ switch which produces a Square wave output that is recognised and processed by the ignition control module. The trigger has a rotating metal disc with openings; this passes between the electromagnet and the semiconductor. The effect of a magnetic field that is able to pass through one of the ‘windows’ will stop the flow of voltage. When the ‘window’ is closed the flow is reinstated. This action will produce a digital square wave that is understood by the Electronic Control Unit (ECM) or amplifier.

The sensor will have its characteristic three connections which are: a live supply voltage, an earth and the output signal. The square wave when monitored on an oscilloscope may vary in amplitude, this is not thought to be a problem as it is the frequency that is important, not the height of the voltage. When the voltage from the Hall effect trigger drops to zero volts, it fires the coil. This occurs when the ‘window’ on the metallic rotating vane opens.

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